Voices across the Moors: The Jane Eyre Alumni Website


the show: official sites | fan sites | forums and mailing lists | articles | reviews | regional productions
the actors: official sites | fan sites | filmographies
the creative team: fan sites | filmographies
general theater links

the show

official sites

official La Jolla site

official newsletter (now defunct)

fan sites

Jane Eyre: The Musical, Novel and Movies

Brave Enough for Love

Mercy's Jane Eyre Page (includes scans of JE newspaper ads!)

forums and mailing lists

Jane Eyre: The Musical forum

JaneEyre_Bway Yahoo! Group

Jane Eyre's Secret Soul Yahoo! Club

Marla Schaffel Yahoo! Group

James Barbour Yahoo! Group


"What makes a novel sing?" by Paul Gordon (Talkin' Broadway)

"Evolution of Jane" by Paul Gordon (Talkin' Broadway)

"An Interview With Paul Gordon" (B. P.'s Broadway Home Page)

"Music in the Eyre" (The Atlantic Monthly)

"Moonlight and Madness" by David Barbour (Lighting Dimensions)

"Turning Bronte's Jane Eyre into a musical" (Jam! Theatre)

"Buying into Bronte" (Eye)

Benefit performance and dinner (San Diego Online)

"After 10 years, Eyre steps onto B'way" (Variety)

"Bway Jane Eyre Tix on Sale by Phone July 10" (Playbill.com)

"Woodstock With Showtunes: Broadway on Broadway 2000" (BroadwayOnline.com)

"A Conversation with Annette Niemtzow" (Talkin' Broadway)


"Sound Advice: Top 10 [Cast Recordings] of 1997" (Talkin' Broadway)

Listening to Jane Eyre by Peter Filichia (BroadwayOnline.com)

regional productions

The Colonial Theater (Idaho Falls, Idaho)

TheatreWorks: The Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts (Mountain View, California)

the actors

official sites

The Official James Barbour Web Page

Bruce Dow: The Official Site (under construction)

fan sites

James Barbour: A Fan Site

The Andrea Bowen Fan Page

Stephen R. Buntrock: An Unofficial Site

Jayne Paterson: An Unofficial Site

Marla Schaffel: The Unofficial Fan Website

Painting Her Portrait: Marla Schaffel


Nell Balaban

James Barbour

Andrea Bowen

Bruce Dow

Marguerite MacIntyre

Bill Nolte

Jayne Paterson

Don Richard

Marla Schaffel

Mary Stout

the creative team

fan sites

Scott Schwartz


John Caird

Peggy Eisenhauer

Jules Fisher

Keith Gonzales

Paul Gordon

Larry Hochman

John Napier

Andreane Neofitou

general theater links





The Cast Recordings FAQ (Information on out-of-print cast recordings, including the Toronto Jane Eyre CD)

Footlight Records

Fynsworth Alley

The Internet Theatre Database


Playbill Online

Show Music Magazine

Talkin' Broadway

Theatre Central

Theatricopia: Jill Hobgood's Musical Sites List

current projects | recent projects | cast biographies | regional productions |
submit information | links | contact webmaster
