Why did you make this site?

I'm so glad you asked. I created this site for several reasons:

  1. I love Jane Eyre—the musical and the novel—and I want to encourage others to love it as well.

  2. On May 16, 2001, the producers of Jane Eyre announced that the show that I love so much would be closing on May 27. Several people on the JaneEyre_Bway mailing list suggested that we Eyreheads should do everything in our power to promote the show and keep it running at least until the Tonys. Since I live on the West Coast, I can't easily encourage those in my immediate circle to go see the show—it's too far away. Luckily, there's this fun little thing called the internet. Taking my cue from the See Scarlet Pimpernel website (I'm not ashamed to admit it when I plagiarize ;P), I decided to create a "Go see Jane Eyre now" website. Here you can see the results of my efforts. I created the site quickly—it was launched less than 24 hours after the closing was announced—so it's not as polished as it could be. (As always, I welcome any feedback. Feel free to contact me at LucySnowe@yahoo.com.) However, with Jane Eyre then scheduled to close in only a few days, time was of the essence.

  3. I realize that Jane Eyre has not generally been well received critically, but the same can be said of many worthwhile shows; Parade, Side Show, The Scarlet Pimpernel, and Les Miserables are a few that come to mind. Jane Eyre has generated a strong fan base, which in my opinion is the true measure of a show's value. The number of critics who hated the show is extremely small in comparison to the number of "regular" people who love it. The audience members who cheer at the end of "The Proposal" and cry through "Brave Enough for Love" and give the show standing ovations nearly every night are proof that this show is worth saving. This website is just my little way of contributing to the effort. (Many thanks to Melanie, Phil, and B76rte for their suggestions!)

But the show's closing, right?

Sadly, yes—the Broadway production will close Sunday, June 10. Still, I hope that this website and other fan efforts will create enough public interest to make the planned national tour a success. (I will continue to update the site with news of the tour and subsequent productions.) The show had a 7-month run—longer than many this season—and acquired 5 Tony nominations and many fans along the way. The final bows in the Brooks Atkinson Theatre on June 10 will not be the end of Jane Eyre's journey.

Okay, I'm here. Now what?

First of all, thank you so much for visiting this site! Now that you're here, you have the opportunity to help spread the word about Jane Eyre. Here are some suggestions:

  • Tell your friends about this and other Jane Eyre-related sites
  • Add a Jane Eyre link to your email signature
  • Put a Jane Eyre banner on your home page
  • Post about Jane Eyre on Broadway-related forums (All That Chat, for instance)
  • Buy a Jane Eyre T-shirt or hat (available at the theater or from BroadwayNewYork.com) and wear it to school or work
  • Volunteer to promote the show at the TKTS booth in Times Square
  • Take your family or co-workers to see the show
  • Sing snatches of "Sweet Liberty" on the subway
  • Loop your hair around your earlobes and start speaking with a British accent
  • Refer to your significant other as Rochester (or Jane, depending)

    In short, do whatever you can to promote the show (without breaking the law, of course).

    If you've ever wanted to be part of a significant social movement, this is your chance. ;)

    Remember: "You must never lose faith, you must never lose heart..."

    Email the webmaster at LucySnowe@yahoo.com. Feedback is always appreciated.


    (Click a picture to see it full-size.)